As a local North Carolina roofing contracting, a lot of our business comes from our reviews and direct referrals. Our roofing referral program was created to express our gratitude for your support and confidence in our services. For EACH homeowner you refer to us, you could be eligible to receive a $150 Visa gift card!
Roofing Referral Program Steps
Tell your friend about Koda Roofing & Construction. You can refer as many people as you like.
Have them mention your name when they reach out to us to schedule and inspection and estimate.
If your friend chooses us for their roofing project, we will send you a thank you gift card!
Referral Reward Options:
If your friend's project is over $3,000, we will send you a $150 Visa gift card.
If your friend's project is between $1,000 and $3,000, we will send you a $50 Visa gift card.
If you friend's project is less than $1,000, we will send you a $20 Visa gift card.
Program Terms & Conditions
The homeowner you refer must be a new Koda Roofing & Construction customer.
Referee must mention your name when they call to request an appointment.
Referee must complete a roofing project with us.
Only one gift card per homeowner referred.
Must be a roofing project.
Give us a call at (919) 704-1089 or email info@kodaroofing.com.